Saturday, November 25, 2006

Keep Pierce Blue~2006

Hi, I am Ronnie Bush, contracted Fundraiser for PC Dems, and for Keep Pierce Blue~2006.
Many thanks to the volunteers that made this event possible. Jean Brooks was the person that made this fundraiser possible. Jean hired me. Her tenacity in pursuing me, her beliefs in the future of the Pierce County Democrats convinced me that this was a venture I could take on, with only "fairy dust" to start. So many told me it wasn't possible. Over $20,000.00 later, an event that rocked the foundation of the "doubters", meetings to try to pull together an event in a mere seven weeks, evenings filled with the stuffing of envelopes, each one with Jean Brooks in attendance, one of the faithful volunteers. Jean called me many times each and every day, asking what I wanted her to do, who should she call...her willingness to work, to help me, to "back" the team, bring donuts, anything, nothing was too much. This is the Jean who was our "rock" during the seven weeks leading up to the event...this is the person who will continue to be the "rock" behind the Pierce County Democrats between now and the 2008 elections....ensuring that we will Keep Pierce Blue !!

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